The search for the great plate of BS (Brussels sprouts) all began at a dinner party at my friend’s house. His fiancé’s sister replicates the family recipe of roasted Brussels sprouts in a white wine vinaigrette with pecans. This was my first experience.
Here’s what she does:
1. cuts in half
2. roasts 20 mins
3. stirs in pecans
4. tosses with mustard/white wine vinaigrette
Ok at least that’s what I remember of her recipe.
Here’s what I thought:
1. wow
2. hmmm…
3. mmmm….
4. that’s not bad
5. in fact, I like it. Yes, I like it.
Here’s what I thought in the days following:
1. I gotta get me some BRUSSLES SPROUTS
2. Mmmmm……… Brussels sprouts!
3. Wha? Huh? Brussels sprouts!
They are a slow burn, I guess.
So when I went to 1111 Mississippi (freaking phenomenal) and BS were on the menu, I jumped at the chance. (I also ate a meal consisting totally of sides). (see the back corner)

1. small
2. overcooked
3. lacking all seasoning
Here’s what I thought:
1. hm…
2. mmm…
3. that’s about it
But again, in the days following:
1. I gotta get me some BRUSSLES SPROUTS
2. Mmmmm……… Brussels sprouts!
3. Wha? Huh? Brussels sprouts!
So I decided to make my own, and this coincided with my fall-themed first ever Vegan Supper Club Dinner Party at my friends’ house (the cupcake ones).
I winged it. Here’s what I did:
1. cut off ends, cut X into base, boil
2. meanwhile, toast pecans in dry skillet; add brown sugar, nutmeg, and cinnamon
3. whisk Dijon, white wine vinegar, olive oil
4. toss
Here’s what I thought:
Here’s what I did:
1. stir in honey
2. taste: ohmygod, they are nutty, and sweet, and tangy, and crunchy, and tender, and green, and spicy, and oliveoily, and wow, and ohmy, and dang I’m good, and…
3. OH SHIT!!! These are vegans!!!! They don’t eat HONEY!!!
4. decide not to tell them
5. call my sister to make sure it’s OK not to tell them
6. get advised to tell them
7. decide still not to tell them (I’m really sorry if you’re reading this! Keep in mind it spanned only a few seconds…)
8. become overwrought with fear and worry that one of them is a vegan because of a secret honey allergy
9. remember the chicken stock incident
10. despair
11. admit defeat
So I went to VSC, confessed my wrongs, and as it turns out, they all were willing to eat honey, this one time. The only problem was I overcooked them in the end. Ugh.

Try again: Thanksgiving dinner for 25. Same recipe, but this time I remember NOT to overcook them.

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