I like working downtown, for many reasons, but not the least of which was once CITY GROCER. Unlike overpriced and under-flavored Straubs, and over-salted and over-meated Schnucks, City Grocer's fabulous deli counter was replete with as many salads as you could ask for.
Sampling was mandatory. Options were diverse. Mr. Deli Counter was, um, engaging.
Asian broccoli salad and mac-and-cheese!
Italian summer veggie salad and broccoli pepper goodness!
Whoa, I must have really liked that broccoli business because I kept coming back for seconds! But also black bean salad with other deliciousness!
Tofu bok choy salad and light summer salad of peppers, tomatoes, and onions!
See, I have a thing for deli counters. The best I've seen in the world was located outside Galway, Ireland at the cafeteria at the Clifs of Moher:

But now City Grocer has been "upgraded" to City Gourmet in an effort to compete with the new fancy downtown market, Culinaria.
I hate to be a downer, but from what I can tell, the deli salads have suffered a sad fate. (Although they do create some really intereting cakes, now...).
Interesting cakes!

Where will I go for a delicious quickie around noontime now? Fast and cheap (and vegetarian), people! That's all I ask for!
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