The ups and downs of eating at a work conference:
This morning I was pleasantly surprised by the soymilk available at the breakfast buffet. The

rest was bins of eggs, bacon, sausage, canadian bacon, bacon potatoes, cheese potatoes, bacon eggs, pigs in a blanket, etc. But on the cereal table, I spied, unmarked, in the corner of the tub of ice holding glass pitchers, a "milk" with a tan hue... hmmm! Soy milk! What are the odds? Now granted, there were no Amy's-whole-grain-and-flaxseed-packed-with-
omegas-and-anti-oxidant cereals, but I can eat sugary raisin bran once in a while! No fresh fruit, but dried banana chips were offered, so that was pretty good too! I was surprised. I don't even eat breakfast, but I partook, if only to indicate to the hotel that the soy milk was a good move.

Lunch, on the other hand: it was dog day at the conference (i.e. hotdogs, bratwurst, knoxville, whatever else comes in tubes of intestinal flesh). (And no vegan dogs!) Piles upon piles of dog-shaped meat food. Oh, and some hamburgers for good measure. There were 3 "salads," an egg, a pasta, and some sort of slaw. The egg was terrifying: it looked like reconstituted powdered eggs. And the pasta salad and cole slaw were clearly bathed in miracle whip. I took some so my plate wouldn't be filled with only what I knew I'd eat: tomato and lettuce. There was no salad dressing or oil and vinegar because it wasn't a salad (or a "salad"); rather, these were slices for the burger buns. But whatever, a lettuce is a lettuce, so I stacked them up and ate them dry! Surprisingly, the lady next to me leaned over and said, "are you vegetarian, too?" But she was from Colorado, so that makes more sense. The rest of the conference goers are from Texas, and they like their dogs!!!
Today, I'll eat a banana before I go just so I can have something to protect me from the mayonnaises of this world; I do appreciate the gesture of soy milk though! Go Hyatt!
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