Ok you lost me at cheesy poofs, if I’m being honest. Cheesy poofs are what they are – flour, salt, egg, gruyere. Not earth shattering, ok, but I’ve said before and I’ll say again, I’magirlthatlikestoknowwhatI’meating. But I didn’t need to know this. Was it really necessary to go on and on? You may call them “gougeres,” but I call them… (yawn). Wait – what was I saying?

Oof and then I have to say, really? In mixed company? You’re going to pull that out? Tomato salad with cucumbers. Should be a safe bet for any situation. But you throw down a fistful of salt and, what should have been a rather innocuous experience turned, well, shocking, to be honest.

I let it go. I mean, we don’t even know each other. Things can be awkward at first, misunderstandings, whatever. I can get over it. But after three long hours of what was simply uninteresting at best and really, what was becoming rather tedious, you try to round the bases with julienned squash in a red sauce? This is not pasta. If you’re trying to impress a vegan, you do realize we eat grains, right? Don’t tell me your favorite activity is “cooking vegetarian” just to impress me. Uh-huh - and I read comic books. Religiously. Right. I hate an ass kisser and frankly, “Schmanco,” we both know who you are. It’s not sexy to pretend.
I didn’t want to have to say these things, but you pressed the issue. Maybe this is why you’re alone on the weekends so often. Take up a hobby; experiment; educate yourself. I have no hard feelings, but, I’m not going to say “let’s be friends.” I have lots of friends. Thanks anyway.