When I found out that your beans were pork-laden and your rice infused with chicken, I couldn't believe my ears. I mean, you offer a VEGGIE BURRITO on your menu and don't even BLINK when I ask for it without cheese!
Don't you think letting me know that you're already taken - that your heart is with MEAT and you'll never be anything more to me than a few passionate moments - was worth mentioning?
You led me on. I believed we'd have a love affair to rival all others but now I know that I meant nothing to you.
But I'm over it. Well, mostly. It's all about perspective and figuring out how you fit into my life. We are not right together; we aren't compatible as full-time lovers. But I think we can be friends.
The key is to find a place for Pueblo Solis in my life that is comfortable and safe. That place is happy hour. Chips, three salsas, perhaps some guacamole, and many margaritas.

I may not trust you again, but I can be civil. See you at 5:00.